If a cow ever got the chance...

Newest Older Profile Book Notes D-Land

2004-09-25 @ 5:49 a.m.

Over and out until I get unpacked at the new place, which could be a while from now. At least a week, anyway. (So you'd never have noticed if I hadn't told you...)

I am managing the packing process with my usual gracelessness. In a few hours, my parents are coming down from Wisconsin to save me, but before that happens I need to do the dishes (which are piling out of the sink thanks to the three-course meal I somehow found it necessary to make on Thursday night) and sweep up the chunks of hair all over the living room floor from my impromptu haircut on the same night.

So basically, it's been exactly the same as it was when I moved to this apartment two years ago... I packed the books a month ago, then did nothing else and now my house is messy as well as full of half-packed boxes and crap that I took out of the cabinets to sort through and didn't. Also, there are Very Important Papers that have also been on the living room floor (next to the hair) for about a month now.

Also, I really need to pack the sex toys before the parents show up here.

See you soon...


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