If a cow ever got the chance...

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I am bionic
2004-02-03 @ 1:38 a.m.

It took the better part of three days, but my apartment is finally clean. And by "clean," I mean "fucking SPOTLESS." Apothecary: no more roaches in your drink. Mice: no more tomato sauce behind the heater! I even shined the sink with bleach and then baking soda and then Windex, using the three-step process recommended in that yuppie magazine Real Simple (which just to give you an idea, has ads for makeup, children's cough syrup, SUVs, and laundry detergent; no, I don't know why I bought it. Fugue state.)

About time my apartment was clean, too, because I finally have a neighbor to share my little aerie. This weekend someone moved in across the hall, and while it's kind of nice to have company up here (that apartment's been unoccupied since like April), it means I can no longer do annoying things like leave my shoes all over the landing or play Mexican dance hits from 1999 real loud at 6 a.m. I suppose there are always trade-offs.


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