If a cow ever got the chance...

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my dinner with cyril
2003-11-09 @ 1:16 a.m.

Dinner, then drinks--lots of drinks--with Cyril. Good times. We discussed high school, French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, and a bad mystery date who is apparently stalking him (him = Cyril, not Pierre Bourdieu). I dig him a lot (him, once again, = Cyril, not the bad mystery date or Pierre Bourdieu).

Our friendship has had rough moments but they were all years ago now. We both used to be Data Entry Operators for a crappy automobile-warranty-financing company, where he made $7000/year more than I did for doing the exact same job. No wonder they didn't want us to socialize... We eventually overcame this income disparity hurdle, once I figured out that his insisting on paying for all my drinks didn't mean he was trying to hit on me. Things have gone swimmingly ever since...


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