If a cow ever got the chance...

Newest Older Profile Book Notes D-Land

2003-12-14 @ 2:41 a.m.

Got picked up at a bar for the first time ever... yeah. At first I was too young to get into bars, and then I was with C for years and years, and no one is going to fuck with Large Hispanic Man's girlfriend. This guy was extremely drunk and named "Brett". In real estate but his first love appears to be playing bass (two points). Nice guy, but he did become disturbingly petulant (and told me to "stop being so protective") when I said I couldn't "party" with him and his friend after Long Room closed. Sorry about the self-preservation thing, unfortunately I am not an idiot. He was a pretty good kisser though.


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� Buttercup, veg.diaryland.com.
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