If a cow ever got the chance...

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I can't decide what to call this entry
2002-06-21 @ 8:35 p.m.

Nothing well-thought-out to say, just feeling kinda pleased with myself because I got into the acupuncture study. Okay, it seemed that all you have to do to get in is be chunky, and attend a pre-screening, but you know, it's a step. I actually took the initiative on something and as a result I get free acupuncture, which is something I've been curious about for a long time...

This whole week I've been giving myself whiplash about the apartment situation... one bedroom or two bedrooms? Move in with C or break up with him? Propose to him? (no) Stop speaking to him? (no) My mind was changing every thirty seconds, literally. And C is not helping by saying that these decisions are "pretty much" up to me. On Wednesday I was standing in the candy aisle of the drugstore for so long trying to decide what kind of Tic-Tacs to buy that two different employees asked--sincerely--if I needed help. The galley proofs I was messing with at work looked so crunky this morning that I was embarrassed to give them back to the typesetter. Because I would decide something ("that asterisk in the footnote is too big"), write a note on the proofs in blue pencil, change my mind, cross out my note, then on the next pass realize that I had been right the first time. Now the proofs are covered with snarky half-erased blue-pencil notations and things that are scribbled out and little pieces of eraser...

And about the apartments. I've been calling. I have an appointment to see three or four one-bedrooms with this one realty company tomorrow, on Monday a two-bedroom in a totally different area of the city, and since we can't narrow down the number of bedrooms at least 50 percent of my efforts will be pointless. I was freaking out because we'll be on vacation when most of the August 1st rentals come on the market. The indecision was getting to the point where I was having trouble crossing the street... Until fifteen minutes ago, when (looking for something else in my desk drawer) I found a copy of my lease and discovered that it expires not August 1st, but September 1st. I hadn't looked at it since last summer.

Anyway, I literally chortled with glee, disturbing Outgrabe, who was trying to conduct a telephone conversation with me at the time. But it was such a relief. Another month to work out all this crap! Four weeks before I have to make up my mind, instead of four days! I can sleep in tomorrow instead of getting to the apartment-finding office by 8:30 a.m.!

Sorry for the exclamation points. I am happy.


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