If a cow ever got the chance...

Newest Older Profile Book Notes D-Land

2004-01-16 @ 3:25 p.m.

Yes, I have failed to update recently. There is a reason for this, but it's embarrassing. Most of my spare moments have been spent reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, which is a big-ass heroic-quest/fake-medieval-world epic with strong female characters, intriguing plot twists, and not too many battle scenes. I have a huge weakness for epic fantasy, and the only way I can reveal it is to pretend nobody is reading this. At least pop culture is on my side, since it's now OK to like Tolkien...

The series itself is really gripping in terms of plot, although it could be better-written. The first book flirted with cheesiness at numerous points (for example, the bad guy lives on the other side of "the Mountains of Dhoom"), but it hasn't been anything I can't accept. But I'm only halfway through Book 2 of what's an eleven-book series (eleven 800-page books, I might add), and the scuttlebutt on Amazon.com is that they get much worse as the series goes on and the pace of the writing slows to a crawl. A random Amazon reviewer characterized Book 11 as "what happens when a million monkeys with a million typewriters aren't given an infinite amount of time," which I hope you agree is the funniest thing ever. So I am nervous, very nervous. If the books start to suck, I may stop reading and just make C tell me what happens... this whole thing is his fault anyway for being coerced into reading them by one of his friends, and then pouting until I started the series myself... I haven't been sorry, but it has been a big time-suck.

My Favorite Person of the Week, D*NMN*R, will be in town this weekend; soon I will set off to acquire him from Midway Airport. The plan is to abuse various substances and hang out with his grandmother (not simultaneously). Am looking forward to an enjoyable weekend.


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