If a cow ever got the chance...

Newest Older Profile Book Notes D-Land

Niice kitty. Down kitty.
2002-10-14 @ 7:32 p.m.

Here is an anecdote about how married people annoy me, although it's not as funny as Lass's recent random-conversation story:

[conversing with my newly married friend about our respective reproductive plans]

HER: Maybe we'll have kids in ten years or something. [says some personal stuff] There's so much we want to do first... What about you?

ME: Well, I really need to have kids so I can be a burden to them in my old age. If they don't take care of me I'll end up living alone in a leaky farmhouse with ten locks on the door and a shotgun and thirty cats who will undoubtedly eat my corpse the moment I die!

HER: [long pause] Well, maybe your siblings' kids can take care of you...

The horror, the pain of not being understood... She should know I was kidding about the cats! Kidding! There wouldn't be more than a dozen of them.


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