If a cow ever got the chance...

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introducing... Slumlord
2002-09-06 @ 7:25 a.m.

Still here. My home computer isn't hooked up yet so I'm writing this from work (but before my scheduled start time, which might make it less offensive to The Company if they really are monitoring my Internet usage).

I've been trying to unpack approximately 25 boxes (almost done) and making periodic trips to Target to buy essentials like curtain rods (which new slumlord doesn't provide). Only to find that I don't have a clue in hell how to hang curtain rods. The package contains a long white metal thing with curves at the ends, a metal bracket that doesn't seem to fit anywhere, and five screws. I am baffled, and angry at the failure of my expensive education to teach me how to do the slightest fucking practical thing correctly. Perhaps my brother was right all along when he majored in Mechanical Engineering Technology. So anyway, I now have sheets nailed up in front of the windows (because they wouldn't stay up with packing tape). It looks great! It's like one step above having flattened cardboard boxes nailed in your window frames. I feel besieged, as though I should be peering through my kitchen window with a shotgun. And maybe I should be, given that the lock on the back door has been broken since last Sunday and Slumlord has yet to even return my phone calls about it and his cell phone number just rings and rings, he doesn't seem to have voice mail as of yesterday...

[actually, it's not that bad, you can bolt it from the inside, you just can't lock it behind you. So I just have to use the front door. But still.]

Enough complaining for one morning. Besides, I have to get some more coffee and start impersonating a Corporate Professional. I don't think Corporate Professionals spill food on themselves with this much regularity or wear jeans three days a week or allow themselves to get dragged into twenty-minute debates with authors and "book consultants" about whether the correct phrase is anesthesia or anesthetic protocol, but if my boss can overlook those things I suppose I can too.

I hope to have my computer back online by the end of the weekend (I haven't tried to set it up yet because the curtain rod thing made me suicidal with frustration so who knows what this will do...). Have a lovely weekend. More later.


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