If a cow ever got the chance...

Newest Older Profile Book Notes D-Land

high-powered corporate executive
2002-08-10 @ 8:50 p.m.

Sorry about the no-update thing lately. Work has suddenly transformed into a giant timesuck. I have 86 messages in my work e-mail inbox, and that doesn't include the irrelevant ones I deleted. I'm running around doing this ridiculous impersonation of a corporate professional, in that my desk is covered with piles of paper and disks and photographs of celebrities with little orange labels stuck in the corners, and I've started saying "I'll get that to you on Monday" to whoever just walked by my cube, while checking Adobe Acrobat files with one eyeball and e-mailing "New York" about "Quebecor's ISBN problem" or possibly the "bound-book date". It's actually kind of fun, because I haven't had time to think and therefore haven't had time to be bored.

Someone asked me if it was true that Axl Rose is fat now, as my profile so boldly asserts. I looked on the Web (okay, I did a few Google searches for 'Axl Rose fat now' before work one day), but astonishingly could find no photographic proof. Mostly just random posts from rabid fans denouncing said rumor... I did find out that the remnants of Guns N' Roses will be embarking on a world tour in a few months, supposedly. I may have to go, just to appease my inner thirteen-year-old (who is still sulking at having missed Nirvana).

More later.


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