If a cow ever got the chance...

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I dislike midget dogs
2002-07-12 @ 9:13 p.m.

Someone who's known me for awhile pointed out that I'm turning into a dog person. This is really strange, given that I've always hated other people's pet dogs (they leave hair on you, they have dogbreath, half the time they're these weird aggressive midget dogs that you have to coo over and pretend to find adorable)... Okay, I still hate midget dogs. But I keep thinking about how nice it would be to have an actual yard for my hypothetical large dog* to frolic in, and how I would buy it lots of chew toys and take it to the beach every weekend...

*preferably a non-registered Chesapeake Bay Retriever, like the lovely Mira, who does not yip and is largely amused by her superiority to humanity, just like an oversized cat

Meh. If I ever got near an animal shelter I would be filling out the paperwork for a cat within five minutes. I'd never even make it to the dog section.

I need a pet.


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